


History about Europe


Waxaan nimid yurub December 1989 wadanka Holland, tuulo la yiraahdo Malden, waxaan ku nooleeyn ilaa 2002. Ka dib waxaan aniga iyo caruurteydu u soo guurney  UK, magaalada Leicester. 2007 baan soo dagney London oo ilaa iyo maanta aan daganahay.

Dugsiga tababarka Xalane

Macalinimo baan ugu jirey Xalane 1978 – 1979. Waxa barashada no bilaman jirtey 7am – 1pm. Ka dib waxa nala wareegi jirey askar jahiliin ah oo waxan gashan jirney dhar khaki ah iyo kabaha ciidamadu xirtan. Waxan kici jirney afarta habeenimo P.E. baa nala ciyaarsiin jirey oradna wuu ku jirey. Maalinta Jimcaha baa nala fasixi jirey. Askari macalimiinta ka mid ahaa oo la oran jirey ‘Shugrey Baashe’ baa wuxuu yiri ”nin iyo naag waa leys daba dhigey, tan iyo isdhisna waa leys dabo dhigey, ayadii oo dresska gashan baan isdhiska ka reebi weyney. Waaba maanta oo loo fasaxey illahow aanad indho sarcaad igu ridin.”

Magacyada ay ii bixiyen ”Khadra isburash” iyo ”Isma lurto”.

Waxan wax ku soo baraney anagoo gacanta wax ku qorna. Qoralkeena aad buu u qurux badnaa Somali, English iyo Arabic. Hada waxa badaley in wax walba computer lagu qoro. Degree kasto ooy sitan – fartoodu waa qoral aad u foolxun.

Tall and short


Labadan nin 2008 kii Dubai iyagoo jooga waxey noo sheegeen inay yihiin ninka aduunka u dheer iyo midka aduunka u gaaban,


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Liban waa wiilkeeyga, waxuu ku noolyahay Holland. Waxuu dhameeyeey security oo uu shaqo sugayaa, mid ku meel gaar ah buu ka shaqeeyaa hada.


The murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis has no justification. All officers involved must be arrested and charged with 1st degree murder. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Stop racism and fascism. I am very touched by this story and unable to watch the barbaric video of George’s last moment. and I will never be able to forget. My thoughts with his family and friends. Thank you to all those protesting against this injustice of all races and colours. Solidarity.



On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old African American woman who worked as a seamstress, boarded this Montgomery City bus to go home from work. On this bus on that day, Rosa Parks initiated a new era in the American quest for freedom and equality.

She sat near the middle of the bus, just behind the 10 seats reserved for whites. Soon all of the seats in the bus were filled. When a white man entered the bus, the driver (following the standard practice of segregation) insisted that all four blacks sitting just behind the white section give up their seats so that the man could sit there. Mrs. Parks, who was an active member of the local NAACP, quietly refused to give up her seat.

She was arrested and convicted of violating the laws of segregation, known as “Jim Crow laws.” Mrs. Parks appealed her conviction and thus formally challenged the legality of segregation.

At the same time, local civil rights activists initiated a boycott of the Montgomery bus system. In cities across the South, segregated bus companies were daily reminders of the inequities of American society. Since African Americans made up about 75 percent of the riders in Montgomery, the boycott posed a serious economic threat to the company and a social threat to white rule in the city.



Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa habeenimadii xalay ku geeriyoodey gurigiisa ku yaala magaalada Johannesburg ee dalaka Koonfur Afrika, sidaas waxaa sheegey Madaxweynaha Koonfur Afrika Jacob Zuma. Mandela ayaa da’diisu ahayd 95 jir.

Mandelaa ayaa muddo dheer xanuun ka hayey sanbabada.

Mandela ayaa ahaa madaxweynihii u horeeeyey ee Madow ah ee dalka Koonfur Afrika waxaana xilka loo doortey 1994 isaga oo hayey tan iyo sanadkii 1999.

Nelson Mandela ayaa horseed u ahaa xornimo u dirirka, waxaana uu ahaa nin aad loo jecel yaha isaga oo heley in ka badan 250 abaalmarinood, waxaana ka mid ahaa abaal marinta nabadda oo uu heley sanadkii 1993.

Kadib markii la shaaciyey dhimashada Nelson Mandela ayaa kumaankun qof ku yimaadeen halka uu gurigiisu ku yaalo, kuwaas oo dhigaayey ubaxyo iyo Shumacyo shidan, waxaana ay xurmo iyo tiiraanyo ka muujinayaan dhimashada Nelson Mandela.




“I am not a racist. I am against every form of racism and segregation, every form of discrimination. I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their colour.” – Malcolm X

“By any means necessary.”

— Malcolm X



I have a dream, delivered 28 August 1963,  at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.



In light of South Africa’s ongoing xenophobic attacks, here is a pan-Afrikan song by a Somali artist during the apartheid era.


Xenophobic attacks in South Africa, 2015

Pan-Afrikan song by Somali artist during South African Apartheid, 1971, (Reject the colour of colonialism).

 Former President of Uruguay – Jose Mujica (2010-2015) 

Other Presidents can learn from him. Jose Mujica donated 90% of his salary to charity as President.

jose1 jose

Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Uruguay oo ahaa madaxweyne ha aduunka ugu faqrisan. Waxa uu mudan yahay ku dayasho ay madaxda aduunka ku deydan, hantida dadkoge u ilaaliyaan siiba dawladaha seddaxaad Third World. Ma jiri laheyn faqri, cuduro iyo jahli. Musuqmasaq dagaalo hadii hantida dadka loo ilaalin lahaa,

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