This is an appeal to the government of the Netherlands to stop the deportation of Somali refugees to South and Central Somalia.
As a Dutch-Somali I am shocked and saddened by the treatment of Somalis at the hands of the Dutch government and the lack of regard for their human rights and right to self-determination.
A report published by Amnesty International on 23 October 2014 suggests the forceful removal of Somalis to South and Central Somalia, including to Al-Shabaab regions is a ‘blatant violation of international law.’ Amnesty further add: ”International law requires that states do not return people to areas where their lives or freedoms are at real risk, such as certain situations of armed conflict.”
Large parts of south and central Somalia are currently controlled by Al-Shabaab militants, deporting Somali refugees to these volatile areas puts their lives in gross danger, making the Dutch government responsible for the human rights abuses they face on their return.
I hereby call on the Dutch government to respect International Law and put an end to their policy of returning Somalis to south and central Somalia.
Als een Nederlandse- Somaliër ben ik geschokt en bedroefd door de behandeling van Somaliërs in de handen van de Nederlandse overheid en het gebrek aan respect voor hun mensenrechten en het recht op zelfbeschikking.
Een rapport van Amnesty International dat op 23 oktober 2014 was publiceerd stelt dat de krachtige verwijdering van Somaliërs naar Zuid- en Centraal-Somalië, waaronder Al-Shabaab regio’s is een ‘flagrante schending van het internationaal recht’. “Het internationaal recht vereist dat staten niet mensen terugkeren naar gebieden waar hun leven of vrijheden op risico staan, zoals bepaalde situaties van gewapend conflict.”
Grote delen van het zuiden en midden van Somalië worden momenteel gecontroleerd door Al-Shabaab militanten. Het deporteren van Somalische vluchtelingen naar deze onstabiele regio zet hun leven in bruto gevaar, waardoor de Nederlandse overheid verantwoordelijk is voor de schendingen van de mensenrechten waar deze vluchtelingen geconfronteerd worden bij hun terugkeer.
Ik doe hierbij een beroep op de Nederlandse regering om het internationale recht te respecteren en een einde te maken aan hun beleid ten aanzien van Somalische vluchtelingen naar het zuiden en midden van Somalië te deporteren.
Anigoo Dutch-Somali ah waxaan ka xumahay dadka Soomaalida ee gacanta ugu jira Dawladda Holland ee dib u celineyso.
Warbixinta ay soo saartay Amnesty International 23 October 2014 wuxu soo jeediyay ku celinta Somalida Koonfurta iyo Bartahama Somaaliya oo ay ku jiraan gollabada Al-Shabaab ineey tahay xadgudub dhanka sharciga caalaamiga. International law wuxuu u baahan yahay inay dalalka dadku meelaha noftoodu halista ku galeyso lagu celin.
Qeybo badan oo ka tirsan koonfurta iyo bartamaha Somalia ayaa haatan gacanta ku haya Xarakada Al-Shabaab.
Waxaan halkan ugu baaqaynaa xukuumadda Holland in ay ixtiraamaan sharciga caalamiga ah iyo joojiyaan Somalida ku celineyaan koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya.
This is an appeal to South African President Jacob Zuma to prevent and protect attacks against Somali refugees in South Africa.
Attacks on Somali-owned shops in and around South African have cost lives and livelihoods and are part of a disturbing trend of violence against refugees and migrants which the police and government are failing to address, Amnesty International said.
“Despite repeated calls, the police were slow to respond and failed to adequately deploy patrols to stop the escalation of violence which has so far left one refugee dead, ten others injured and at least 76 shops burnt or looted,” said Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for Southern Africa. “Six years after the large-scale xenophobic violence of 2008, it is inexcusable that South African authorities have yet to address this problem,” said Deprose Muchena..
We hereby call on the South African government and namely Jacob Zuma to not only bring those responsible to justice but also adopt a strategy of prevention, protection and access to justice for victims of these crimes, in recognitions of the vulnerability of South Africa’s Somali population.
Appeal to Libya coming soon!